That time of year has rolled around once again where Melbourne Firefighters participate in the charity stair climb event. Firefighters will participate to raise money to fight depression, PTSI and suicide. Over 600 Firefighters will will be participating in climbing...
Are you taking full advantage of the servicing opportunities available to you? If not then you might wonder what sort of benefits you could be gaining by exploring your service options. Well maintained and serviced equipment can perform more efficiently and will have...
Reconditioned, Second hand, Refurbished. These are all words that most of us would associate with warehouse sales, factory rejects and sub quality products with faults and flaws. But this is not the case here. At Icon we take a different approach to ‘Second Hand’. At...
We here at Icon Equipment are proud to announce that we are again sponsoring The Beanie Charity Golf Tournament. The Beanie is a charity golf tournament held at King Island and is an authorised fundraising event of the Oliva Newton-John Research Institute. The Beanie...
It has been two weeks since Icon attended Auspack 2017 in Sydney and we are still busy chasing up contacts and following up with enquiries. There is no question as to how much we loved Auspack and how excited we are to attend our next show. Amongst all the work...
Icons very own service Technician, Thibaut Flamant, recently spent time in Southern Paris where he undertook extensive training at Claranor on their Pulse Light Sterilization systems. Thibaut has since returned and has brought back with him expert knowledge and...